Build to Suit Opportunities

Site #1

Building #6 - 80,000 +/- sf

We have allocated approximately 8.5 acres for a future, single occupant, Build to Suit Tenant. This site is directly on the Apex Peakway. The tract is zoned for Tech/Flex so it may be used for a wide variety of warehouse, research, storage or flex uses. Based on the specific Tenant requirements, we believe this site will accommodate a single building of approximately 80,000 sf, and provide for all required parking and truck court access.

We have maintained the tree buffering around this specific site so that it has the look and feel as if it were its own standalone property, and not a part of the rest of Norris Park. We believe this could be an important feature if a tenant wants to maintain an identity separate from Norris Park.

Our team has done preliminary design, layout and pro forma costing for this site. We believe we can deliver a fully functioning facility, built to a Tenant’s specific needs, within 12 to 14 months from lease execution. Our desired Lease would be for an initial term of 10 to 15 years.

Build to Suit - Norris Business Park

Site #2

Contact us today at 919-880-3663 to schedule a property tour

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